
“If I only had two dollars left, I would spend one dollar on PR.”

— Bill Gates

Public Relations

Social Media







Radio & TV

The term “public relations” in the classical sense has long been outdated. With the development of digital, the specifics have changed significantly. The need for the media as an intermediary has disappeared.

Today we are working with audiences, building communities and brand trust, and delivering content. We call all this, in simple words, “communications.”


PR is the most effective tool for interacting with the target audience.

The task of PR is not to sell but to inform about the company/product/service, create a specific image in the imagination of potential customers/buyers/followers, win loyalty, and, ideally, commitment to the brand.

PR is a powerful tool for building a reputation for a company, public figure, product, brand, or service.

Interage Agency

Interage Agency experts feel like a fish in water in the latest and innovative PR trends, have extensive advertising experience, and know how to get complete trust and love for the brand for minimal budgets.

As we like to joke: advertising is for money, and PR is for love.

Interage Agency assists you in:

Our PR plans for you

Underlying Plan
+ The first consultation is for free!
Advertisement strategy + 3 ad campaigns included.
Pivotal Plan
+ Three consultations during the project are for free!
Advertisement strategy + 6 ad campaigns included.
Imposing Plan
+ 24/7 consulting and support throughout the whole project!
Advertisement strategy + 10 ad campaigns included.

Development of an overall PR strategy for your project.

Development of various PR strategies for your project (Reputation strategies. Content strategies. Communication strategies.)

Target audience analysis.

Comprehensive competitors’ research.

Creating your brand’s identity.

Monitoring of mass media and social networks.

Sociological research.

Audit of communications.

Media content analysis.

Forming your social media.

Reputation strategies.

Content strategies.

Communication strategies.

Reputation audit.

Anti-crisis communications.

PR on social networks.

Copywriting services.

Collaboration with opinion leaders.

Constant analysis and monitoring of competitors.

Repelling information attacks.

Turnkey PR campaigns.

Video content creation.

Storytelling services.

Speechwriting services.

Applying various social media marketing tools.

Extensive SMM services.

Business page administration.

Our separate PR services for you

Expert advice and guidance to businesses or individuals on how to manage their public image, build relationships with the media and other stakeholders, and effectively communicate with their target audience to achieve specific PR goals.

from € 250

Creating a comprehensive plan that outlines how a business or individual will manage their public image, build relationships with the media and other stakeholders, and communicate with their target audience to achieve specific PR goals, by defining messaging, target audience, media outreach tactics, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

from € 1000

A comprehensive plan that outlines how a business or individual will manage their reputation, address negative feedback or reviews, build trust and credibility, and maintain a positive image with their target audience, by defining key messaging, monitoring online reputation, addressing customer concerns, and implementing tactics to improve overall reputation.

from € 500

A comprehensive plan that outlines how a business or individual will use content to achieve specific marketing goals, by defining target audience, messaging, content formats and channels, content creation and distribution processes, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

from € 500

A comprehensive plan that outlines how a business or individual will effectively communicate with their target audience to achieve specific goals, by defining messaging, target audience, communication channels, tactics, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

from € 500

Gathering and analysing data to better understand the characteristics, behaviours, and preferences of a business or individual’s ideal customer or audience, in order to create more effective marketing strategies and campaigns that resonate with them.

from € 500

Gathering and analysing data on a business or individual’s direct and indirect competitors, to gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and tactics, in order to identify opportunities and threats, and develop more effective marketing and business strategies.

from € 400

Developing a unique and cohesive set of visual and messaging elements, such as logo, typography, colour scheme, tone of voice, and brand story, that represent a business or individual’s values, personality, and offerings, and help differentiate them from competitors in the minds of their target audience.

from € 800

Tracking and analysing the online and offline mentions and conversations about a business or individual on various media channels, such as news outlets, social media platforms, blogs, and forums, in order to gain insights into public perception, identify potential issues or opportunities, and make informed decisions about communication and marketing strategies.

from € 700

Investigation and analysis of social behaviour, culture, and institutions, using a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as surveys, interviews, observation, and data analysis, in order to gain insights into social phenomena and inform policy, education, or business decisions.

from € 1000

A comprehensive evaluation of a business or individual’s communication strategies and channels, including messaging, content, delivery, and impact, to identify strengths and weaknesses, gaps, and opportunities for improvement, in order to develop more effective and efficient communication strategies and plans.

from € 700

Examination and interpretation of media content to gain insights into patterns, themes, or trends.

from € 700

An evaluation of a business or individual’s reputation, including online and offline presence, customer feedback, and media coverage, to identify strengths and weaknesses, areas of improvement, and potential risks or opportunities, in order to develop more effective reputation management strategies.

from € 1000

Сreating profiles or pages on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and customising them with relevant information, visuals, and content, in order to establish a social media presence and reach out to the target audience.

from € 1200

Development of communication strategies and tactics to manage and mitigate negative effects of crises or unexpected events, such as natural disasters, accidents, product recalls, or reputation crises, on the reputation, trust, and loyalty of stakeholders, through transparent, timely, and empathetic messaging, and effective crisis management plans.

from € 1000

Developing and implementing strategies for defending against targeted efforts to spread false or misleading information through monitoring, analysing, and responding to these attacks in a transparent and proactive manner.

from € 500

Complete and ready-to-use public relations solutions that provide all necessary services and resources to plan, develop, and execute a successful PR campaign.

from € 1500

Managing and promoting reputation on social media platforms through engaging content, feedback management, influencer relationships, and analytics.

from € 700

Planning, producing, editing, and publishing video materials for various purposes, such as entertainment, education, advertising, or communication, using different formats and styles to attract and engage the target audience.

from € 1000

Creation of written content for various marketing and advertising materials, such as website pages, product descriptions, social media posts, email newsletters, and advertisements, using persuasive language and storytelling techniques to convey brand messaging and inspire customer action.

from € 700

Creation and delivery of compelling narratives that communicate the brand’s message, values, and vision to the target audience in an engaging and memorable way, using various media and platforms, such as videos, blogs, podcasts, and social media posts.

from € 700

Development of effective and persuasive speeches for individuals or businesses, tailored to the specific audience and occasion, using a combination of rhetorical techniques, persuasive language, and engaging storytelling to convey key messages and achieve the desired impact.

from € 800

Establishing partnerships or relationships with individuals who have a significant following and influence in a particular industry or community, leveraging their credibility and reach to promote the brand, products, or services and increase brand awareness, trust, and loyalty among the target audience.

from € 700

Ongoing collecting and analysing data on the strategies, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses of competitors in a particular market or industry, in order to identify opportunities, threats, and areas for improvement, and adjust the marketing, sales, and business strategies accordingly.

from € 500

A comprehensive range of strategies and tactics designed to promote a brand, product, or service on social media platforms, including content creation, community management, influencer marketing, advertising, and analytics, aimed at engaging the target audience, building brand awareness, and driving conversions.

from € 1000

Management and optimization of a company’s social media pages, including creating and publishing content, monitoring and responding to comments and messages, analysing data and metrics, and implementing social media strategies to increase engagement, followers, and conversions.

from € 200

PR services

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