Moral Guidelines for Responsible Advertising

At Interage Group Kft, we are committed to conducting our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We believe in upholding moral principles that prioritize the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. In line with this commitment, we have established the following moral rules when working with industries that may raise ethical concerns:

Promotion of Harmful Products or Services:

We will not advertise or endorse products or services that are known to be harmful, such as tobacco, addictive substances, or products that promote violence or discrimination.

Public Safety and Welfare:

We prioritize the safety and well-being of the general public. Our advertisements will not pose health risks, mislead consumers, or compromise public safety.

Respect for Human Dignity and Rights:

We value and respect human dignity. Our advertising campaigns will not contain content that is discriminatory, exploitative, or offensive to individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics.

Environmental Consciousness:

We consider the environmental impact of our clients’ products or practices. We encourage clients to adopt sustainable practices and promote environmentally friendly products and services.

Transparent and Honest Communication:

We uphold the principles of transparency and honesty. Our advertising endeavors provide accurate and truthful information to the public. We avoid misleading or deceptive practices that could undermine consumer trust.

Social Responsibility:

We recognize our role in society and consider the broader social implications of our work. We carefully evaluate the potential negative impact of the products or services of our clients on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Ethical Due Diligence:

Before accepting advertising projects, we conduct thorough research and assessment. We evaluate the reputation and ethical standing of potential clients and their industries, considering their impact on society and potential harm to individuals. By adhering to these moral guidelines, we aim to make responsible decisions that align with our commitment to social responsibility, ethical conduct, and the well-being of individuals and communities.